G Plants Ltd Company Policies

Environmental Policy

1st June 2008

It is our intention to always search for ways in reducing the effect that our products, packaging and activities might have in the natural environment and to use and promote where ever possible fully biodegradable materials.


As a 'small to medium' size company G Plants Ltd is currently exempt from most of the laws, regulations and guide lines set out by the Environmental Agency. However, we are aware that our customers aren't exempt from these regulations and so we keep details of all packaging used in the manufacture of our products.
These include:

  • Paper/cardboard — (picture cards, cappers, POS material, outer and inner boxes)
  • Plastics — (inner packs, seed trays etc.)
  • Wood — (display stands and pallets)
  • Metals v (staples and aluminum foil)
  • Glass and ceramics — not used in the packaging of goods


All suppliers to G Plants Ltd must comply with either the UK environmental laws or their own local laws (minimum EEC standards).

Equal Opportunities

G Plants operates under a strict Equal Opportunities Policy.
G Plants is fully committed to the principle of equal opportunities in recruitment and employment and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination including those on the grounds of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Ethnic Or National Origin
  • HIV Status
  • Marital Status
  • Nationality (Including Citizenship)
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

G Plants aims to treat all employees with dignity and respect and provide a working environment free from all discrimination. It will conduct its affairs at all times in a manner that is consistent with this aim. G Plants believes that it is in the organisations best interests, and of those that work in it, to ensure that the human resources, talents and skills available throughout the country are considered when employment opportunities arise. To this end, within the framework of the law, G Plants is committed to achieving and maintaining, whenever practicable, a workforce which broadly reflects the entire country. Every possible step will be taken to ensure that employees and job applicants are treated equally and fairly and that decisions on recruitment, selection, training, promotion, pay and career management are based solely on objective and job related criteria.
Criteria for dismissal, including redundancy, will be solely those consistent with the provisions of G Plants Disciplinary and Dismissals Procedure.
Individual employees, at all levels are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct, in the exercise of G Plants affairs, is consistent with this equal opportunities policy. In particular they must not: discriminate against colleagues, other employees or job applicants, or harass them; induce, or attempt to induce, other employees to practice unlawful discrimination; victimise individuals who have made allegations or complaints of discrimination, or provided information about such discrimination.
Management and supervisors at all levels are expected to set an example in non-discriminatory behavior and to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that employees act in accordance with this policy. G Plants will treat seriously any breaches of this policy and all instances of actual, or alleged inappropriate behavior, will be fully investigated.
G Plants will identify any scope for the provision of training and encouragement to assist in overcoming barriers to progression and appointment.
In order to achieve effective implementation of the policy, G Plants will ensure that this Policy Statement is bought to the attention of all employees.

Legislative references
The Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986
The Race Relations Acts 1976
The Disabled Persons (Employment) Acts 1944 and 1958
Equal Pay Act 1970 and Equal Pay (Amendment) Regulations 1983

Ethics Policy

It is the policy of G Plants Ltd that its employees and board members uphold the highest standards of ethical, professional behavior. To that end, these employees and board members shall dedicate themselves to carrying out the mission of this organization and shall:
1. Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of professional duties.
2. Act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance personal and professional honor, integrity and the dignity of the profession.
3. Treat with respect and consideration all persons, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, maternity, marital or family status, disability, age or national origin.
4. Engage in carrying out G Plants Ltd mission in a professional manner.
5. Collaborate with and support other professionals in carrying out G Plants Ltd's mission.
6. Build professional reputations on the merit of services and refrain from competing unfairly with others.
7. Recognize that the chief function of G Plants Ltd at all times is to serve the best interests of its constituency.
8. Accept as a personal duty the responsibility to keep up to date on emerging issues and to conduct themselves with professional competence, fairness, impartiality, efficiency, and effectiveness.
9. Respect the structure and responsibilities of the board of directors, provide them with facts and advice as a basis for their making policy decisions, and uphold and implement policies adopted by the board of directors.
10. Keep the community informed about issues affecting it.
11. Conduct organizational and operational duties with positive leadership exemplified by open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion.
12. Exercise whatever discretionary authority they have under the law to carry out the mission of the organization.
13. Serve with respect, concern, courtesy, and responsiveness in carrying out the organization's mission.
14. Demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty, and fortitude in all activities in order to inspire confidence and trust in such activities.
15. Avoid any interest or activity that is in conflict with the conduct of their official duties.
16. Respect and protect privileged information to which they have access in the course of their official duties.
17. Strive for personal and professional excellence and encourage the professional developments of others.

Health and Safety Policy


We have a legal and moral duty to make sure the offices, factories, warehouses and workplaces used by the company’s staff are safe and a healthy working environment is maintained as is reasonably practicable. This document comprises G Plants policy, organisation and arrangements for the health, safety and welfare of staff, contractors, visitors and others.
The policy communicates the beliefs, direction and commitment to health and safety on the company’s premises. Our primary aim is to manage the risks to those who may be affected by the company’s actions or omissions. Such management will form part of the general operation of the company and assist in reducing losses resulting from failure to control.

General Statement of Policy for Health & Safety

The company recognises that health and safety, as with any other corporate responsibility, has to be managed successfully at all levels. Successful health and safety management contributes to the companies overall performance by preserving and developing human and physical resources, reducing costs and liabilities and is an expression of corporate responsibility. All staff can make a valid contribution to achieving this objective and have a duty to take reasonable care of themselves and those affected by their actions or omissions.
The company is committed to improving performance in health and safety and is also committed to health promotion by encouraging the adoption of healthier lifestyles by its staff. Statutory requirements and the general duty of care form the basis upon which the companies health and safety commitment is built. By realistic planning, review and development, the company undertakes to achieve successful health and safety management and appropriate resources will be made available for this purpose. The company will ensure that the policy objectives are adopted and implemented.
The company recognises the importance staff have in formulating and reviewing the policy. All are encouraged to comment and make representation regarding the policy through existing communication links with their line managers, departmental safety officer, trade union safety representative or the secretary to the health and safety officer. It is the responsibility of the directors, to ensure that this policy is fully implemented, regularly reviewed and communicated within the company. The review, implementation and communication will be co-ordinated by the Health and Safety Officer.